Knitten up a Storm
I have really been pouring on the coals, trying to finish my diamond blossom scarf for the multidirecional yahoo group promo. I made it! with a whole 45 minutes to spare! Eeek. I hope that doesn't happen again. It is just to nerve wracking. I am going to start right in on my ZigZag scarf for that promo, right away. I only have until 12-15-05.
Here is a pic of the scarf. I will be sending it to Stand up for Kids after I make a hat to match. Not the greatest pic, doesn't do it justice. I made it out of Bernat Super Value color # 00478 which is really a variegated with burgandy, navy, teal and ecru, less than one 6 ounce skein. Not my favorite yarn, but I don't like trying new techiques with costly yarn. I have some Artyarn for the ZigZag. I feel a little more confident about this technique now. what great yarn, Artyarn is costly, but just the best yarn. I will be using their Supermerino in color # 102.
I also knitted a hat for a homeless man this week. forgot to take a pic, duh! We donated one of Bob's brother's coats to an effort by the local sherrif deputy and I couldn't stand to let it go without a handknit hat in the pocket. The deputy laughed when I told her. I am so goofy.
I also just finished another pair of booties for WHWB in pink 4 ply. It's that Bernat Super Value, too. At $1.88 per 6 ounce skein, it makes it possible to stretch my charity knitting dollars a lot further and it's a serviceable yarn, just not up to yarn snob standards. As I'm sure I've stated before, I'm yarn snob at heart, but not in my wallet.
Gotta go eat and then cast on for something, I have too many empy needles!