Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Soaping Saga...continues......

Well, I held my breath and dove right into the re-batching! Here is what those 2 bars looked like before I started. They look like nice soap, but they felt so greasy and still had some little pockets of oil.
So-o-o-o, I chopped them all up and put them in a bowl over some nice hot water, added some very strong coffee and started in.

Here is what it looked like after I took the cleaver to it.

Hmmmmm, after heating for hours, yes hours, it looked like this. That is just glare on top, it wasn't white. Sort of like really, really thick mashed potatoes, but way brown. The only time that it wasn't like a thick gloppy mess of mashed potatoes was whenever I added some more strong coffee to the mess. And that evaporated off pretty fast, in my opinion. It never did really melt.
I got tired of waiting, took a little glop of it over to the sink and washed my hands with it, it lathered up a nice creamy lather. So, I added enough coffee to loosen it up a little and gradually sprinkled and stirred in 4 tablespoons of fresh coffee(really fresh, I had to open the can) one tablespoon at a time. When that was done, I bit the bullet and slopped/glopped it into my pre-lined mold and smushed it into the corners the best that I could. Slammed it down on the counter several times and hoped for the best.
Here is what it looks like now. Sort of looks like deep dark chocolate brownies, doesn't it! I'm happy enough with the way it worked out, so far. I would prefer not to re-batch, tho.


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