Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another pair of mittens

I couldn't let the whole weekend go by without getting something done. I knit another pair of purple-durple mittens for NAS. Fibromyalgia has been kicking my hiney all weekend and seriously hampering the knitting. It seems to be subsiding now, so maybe I can make up for some lost time next weekend. I want to get another 30 or 40 hats done in June for Parkland Mem. Hosp. So, I think I will try to get one done tonight even though it is a little late.

I learn something with these mittens: Never post to your blog after being up all night with severe pain! On my last post, I mentioned that I had used the 24 st cast on for the first pair and 28 st cast on for the second pair. Then I posted an "oops" that said they were both 28 st. Well, in the light of day after a nights rest, I realized today that I was right the first time. Duh! So now I have 2 pair that are different sized and hope to start the 3rd pair by Tuesday eve. in the next size up. Whew! I think that's right! LOL


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