Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Pitter Patter of Little Booties

These cuties are going to California for a short visit. Then, it's on to China to warm the little toesies of some babies at the orphanage where a group of Mommies and Daddies are going to get their new family member. April,whose Mom Penny is on one of the yahoo lists that I frequent, will be bringing home a sweet little girl and leaving these little toe-warmers for the kiddos that don't get Mommies and Daddies. Grandma Penny put out a plea for booties and I decided that would be a good use for some of the handspun yarn that my dear friend Mary from Missouri sent me a while back to be used for my charity knitting. Hope April and the little kiddles like these.
This picture doesn't do them justice, nor the yarn. I think that Mary may have hand-painted the blue. I is really a beautiful shade. I had some brown left over from some socks that I made for CIC from her yarn, so I knit one pair and the foot of another pair with that and did the ankle and cuff with the left overs from the 3 pair of blue booties. Good to the last snithch!


At 5:43 PM , Blogger Knitcrazy said...

Awwwwwwww Thank You Sooooo much for making those adorable booties.. April did get them and she said they were Soooooooo nice.. She loved reading your note about how they came about...
Thank You ...
Love Penny

At 8:13 PM , Blogger Diane said...

What a great idea and what beautiful booties.

What did you name you spinning wheel?

At 9:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ thank you so much for the booties. I can't wait to get them to China. Thank you for putting so much thought into the procees of using wool and hand spun and dyed-my goodness. They are beautiful. You are very sweet.
Thank again-April
thank for spreading the work about the bootie project. I won't be going for at least 4 months so plenty of time to get more booties!!! The process is really slow unfortunatly.


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